You Are NOT Disciplined – Let’s Fix That NOW!

This video is all about figuring out why you’re not disciplined enough to achieve your goals and how we can fix that.

After I published my video on how to change your life a lot of you said that they’ve tried to change their life in the past, but you haven’t been able to bring yourself to do the things that they need to do in order to create change. 

If this resonates with you in some way, then this video is for you. Sometimes it seems like no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to push through and take action, and honestly, it comes down to a matter of being disciplined.

This is how you can become disciplined and it doesn’t have to be hard, in fact it can be fun!

How To Be Disciplined

Several things can help you become more disciplined, for example, knowing your “why”. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What is your vision? Knowing why you’re working towards your goals makes it so much easier to achieve.

You can also do things like managing your environment and managing temptation. Make sure you’re creating the right amount of energy by eating healthy, working out and managing your mind through meditation etc.

However, something I want to dive deep into and that’s the power of accountability.

Realising You’re Not Alone

The power of accountability is that you do not have to do this alone. When you feel like you need to make a lot of change, you may feel as though you have to make all of these changes alone and with no support.

This is just not the case, one of the most powerful things that you can do in your discipline is to rely on others.

Humans are not usually self motivated. Disciple comes for habits, but what I want to talk about today is how to find support whilst developing those habits.

Both have to do with your community or the network of people you have around you.

1. Accountability

Find people you can be accountable too, for example:

  • A Mastermind

  • A Membership

  • A Business Bestie

  • A Team

2. Social Reward

Celebrate the small steps with your community. It’s really easy for the brain to get demotivated when it feels like the goal is too far away.

My first year of entrepreneurship was lonely, and I really didn’t feel motivated enough to create a whole lot. By building my mastermind, my income sky rocketed, because I knew I had people to celebrate with.

Social reward is crucial to sustaining levels of motivation, even if it’s telling someone that you went to the gym today. By celebrating your achievement, it will increase the excitement behind your goals.

Connect and collaborate with others to celebrate each other’s wins together!

If you want to create change in your life, you need to surround yourself with others who are doing the same! Join our community on Facebook and Instagram – @erinmayhenry, I’ll see you there!

are you ready to start creating your dream life?


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