Why Your Vision Board Isn’t Working

Sit down, grab a cuppa because today I’m going to be sharing with you exactly why your vision board isn’t working for you and how you can fix it!

Do they actually work?

Should I make one?

Should I actually spend all of that time and waste all of that paper just to achieve my goals?

And honestly, the answer is yes.

I personally love the process of making a vision board but the thing is a lot of people don’t understand the science behind making a vision board or how to use a vision board to help you to work towards your goals.

I share below the five reasons that your vision board might not actually be working for you, as well as give you some tips and advice on how to actually make your vision board work for you in 2020!


step one

The first reason why your vision board might not be working for you is simply that you don’t believe it.

At the end of the day, it’s not that you just don’t believe in the vision board itself but perhaps you actually don’t believe it’s possible for you to achieve the things that you’ve put on your vision board.

I love to use a vision board as more of a short term goals process because then when I actually look at my vision board not only does it help with mental preparation of the things that I need to do to actually achieve these goals but also when it comes down to it, it’s so much easier for my mind to be able to start looking for opportunities or start looking for resources to help me achieve the goals that I actually believe are possible for me at that time!

step two ..

Hands up if you’ve made a vision board and it’s just filled with all these ridiculous longterm goals that you had absolutely no idea whether they’re achievable, realistic, or possible for you … ?

Yes, yes I totally hear you babe .. I have been there!!

A lot of people use a vision board and magically think things are going to appear in their life.

But I am here to break it to you, it just doesn’t work like that ..

There is a lot of hard science behind visualisation, and vision boards are just a tool for visualisation.

Why not make more of a short term goals vision board and looking at it every single day so that your mind is mentally preparing for you to achieve those things?

You should be using your vision boards to help you to increase your skills that would ultimately lead to a particular outcome.

Rather than just putting the goal on your board, put a vision of the thing that you need to do to achieve that goal whether that’s waking up earlier, or being more organised with your schedule, whether that is hiring a team, or being more confident on camera.

So then when you use the vision board what you’re actually doing is taking the small action, which makes it so much easier for you then to actually go off and take that action in turn action equals results!

step three

Step three of why your vision board isn’t actually working for you.

Simply is that perhaps you just haven’t worked out how to take the action you need to take.

Start thinking about it as this process.

You have your vision board here, then you have your action here, and you have your result over here.

The vision board is what’s prompting you to take action and the action is actually what’s helping you to achieve that result.

step four ..

The fourth reason why your vision board might not actually be working for you is you simply don’t actually want the things that are on the vision board.

If you’re filling your board with things that aesthetically look good or if you’re filling it with things that you think you want, you’ll never feel motivated to work towards those things.

You literally just wasted paper and wasted time ….

Make sure your vision board is filled with things that you actually want to achieve in 2020!!

step five ..

My final thought is, you’re simply just not using the vision board.

Can you relate .. ?

You can’t just pin something on a cork-board and then magically it’s going to appear in your experience. You have to be consistently using the vision board.

That means looking at it each day so that scientifically you can mentally prepare yourself to increase the skills and then actually take action towards those goals!!

So if you actually want your vision board to work for you, you actually have to use it.

are you ready to actually start achieving your goals?


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  • The simple three-step business strategies every entrepreneur must know if they desire to make money and build influence online. 

  • The simple marketing and content creation plan that will leave you excited to show up online, rather than stressed out or overwhelmed.

  • The secret way to get your audience saying yes to your offer before you even sell to them. 

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