A Simple Business Strategy to Get You More Clients

I conducted a poll on Instagram asking you guys what your goals were and an overwhelming number of you said one of your biggest goals for the rest of 2019 is to attract more 1:1 clients.

I know how frustrating trying to attract 1:1 clients can be but here’s the thing…

Many people are just throwing content out onto the internet and hoping for the best. Please don’t get me wrong something is often better than nothing, but as a coach, I know how important it is to implement a strategy to attract and CONVERT your audience into paying clients.

In this video, I’m giving you a full proof strategy that when implemented correctly and consistently will help you to grow your brand and attract your tribe.

Beta Tester Clients

One thing that is exceptionally invaluable when getting 1:1 clients online, or any customers for your business, is the experience.

Before you go out there and try to sell your services, you want to work with people for free. If you’ve never worked with people, or you don’t have much experience with 1:1 clients it’s essential that you get some beta tester clients.

These are clients that you’ll work with for free before you go pout there and sign paying clients. Which will give you the confidence to overcome imposter syndrome and truely bring value to your paying clients.

Social Proof

Not only is beta testing good for building your confidence, but it’s also great for social proof.

The results that one of your beta testa has will help paint a picture in peoples minds that you’re a coach that can and will get people results.

My Strategy for Getting 1:1 Clients

When it comes to getting clients the problem is that people think there’s some secret key and guess what, there isn’t. However, I’ve developed a straightforward strategy with three main components that you should be focusing on, and it’s as simple as A, B, C.

For a simple breakdown of my strategy for getting 1:1 clients and money be sure to click and watch the video above.


Want to continue to build your tribe online? Join our community on Facebook and Instagram – @erinmayhenry, I’ll see you there!

Simply Business will be opening up for enrolment soon!


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