Finding Your Passions In 2020

Finding your passion [ s ] in 2020, and why I say passions is because a lot of things have changed in my life and one thing that has been the most profound is realising that I do not need to be defined by one single thing!

A lot of things that I’ve learned in the past, when talking about finding your passion, it really comes down to finding this one singular thing.

In some of my own teachings .. I have said that finding your passion is so important but what I have realised that life isn’t just about finding a passion, finding that one thing to do for the rest of your life.

It’s about figuring out your priorities .. 

It’s about knowing what’s important to you and which areas of your life are going to bring you the most joy.

finding your passion(s)

finding passion(s) in 2020 …

I want you to flip the whole 2020 new year concept of finding your passion.

I am going to walk you through an exercise that’s going to help you live a holistically fulfilled life, as well as possibly making money from something that you totally enjoy doing!

what you need to do

Rather than just figuring out what is one thing that you passionate about and then trying to make that the entirety of your human experience, I want you to start thinking about is what areas of life are important to you!

Passion, unlike goals is something that’s a little more tangible.

It’s something that you can apply yourself to.

I want you to start thinking about is first of all, what are your priorities? and ..

What areas of your life are important to you this year?

And why I say this year is because these will change …

For example: my priorities right now now are having fun.

It’s having balance, it’s succeeding in my business.

It’s setting myself up for the future financially, not just making money right now.

It’s relationships, it’s health, it’s happiness.

These are my priorities at the moment in my life.

what are the next steps?

Think about what are four to five priority areas in your life, that you need to find a passion in.

Then you can start exploring passion seeking tools and processes to help you figure out not just one passion but a passion in each of these individual areas.

for example ..

For example, one of my priority areas is my health and fitness and therefore I have found a passion in that area of Muay Thai fitness.

1) I have absolutely no desire to become a professional Muay Thai fighter.

2) I have absolutely no desire to get paid for Muay Thai fighting.

However, it is definitely a passion of mine.

Start thinking about is what are your priority areas in your life.

It is not just about finding a passion, it’s not just about defining yourself by one individual area.

When it comes to finding your passions, it is going to be a process of exploration.

Figure out your priorities, figure out the areas that are important to you, and then go on the journey to find the thing that fulfils you in that area which will then lead you to finding your passions in 2020.

are you Ready to find your passion(s) & build your dream business?


You will learn:

  • The simple three-step business strategies every entrepreneur must know if they desire to make money and build influence online. 

  • The simple marketing and content creation plan that will leave you excited to show up online, rather than stressed out or overwhelmed.

  • The secret way to get your audience saying yes to your offer before you even sell to them. 

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