Let’s Talk About Your Niche

When someone tells me they want to start a business but don’t want to niche down … EKKKK, stop right there!!

It is incredibly important to find YOUR business niche.

I recently went live on Instagram and chatted all things niche.

What is a niche?

How to find your niche?

Why they are important?

And how to choose yours ..

Want to learn more? Let’s dive in!

what is your niche? Do you have one?

what is a niche?

A business niche is a specific area of a market or focused area of a broader market that businesses can serve to differentiate themselves from their competition!

Are you ready? … let me break it down for you.

why is a niche so important?

If people see you as a positional ‘expert’ in a specific field they will more than likely trust you and will be more inclined to ‘buy’ a product or service from you.

I have seen many people struggle in the start up phase of their business because they haven’t built up their credibility online.

This is what you will want to do.

Find the thing that you want to do, analyse your competitors and then niche down by offering something that isn’t already out there.

It is incredibly important to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

You can’t expect people will see you as the ‘one and only’ option’ for them.

You want people to have that visceral reaction to you because there isn’t many other options out there..

Your audience should have perceived limited options.

for example ..

If someone wants to hire a coach to help them loose weight, there options are literally endless.

Any one can help them loose weight, right?

  • The Personal Trainers

  • The HITT Coaches

  • The Health Coaches

  • The Vegan Coaches

  • The Paleo Coaches etc ..

Now if this person specifies the she has just had a baby & looking for someone specialised in ‘postnatal weight-loss’ her options will then now become ‘limited’.

If there is a specialist out there specialising in ‘postnatal weight-loss’ then BAM … her options are perceived to be limited, it lowers the competition for you and therefore it makes it so much easier for them to make a decision that you are the right coach for them because you are offering exactly what they need in the way the need it.

so do I need to find my niche?

Yes … absolutely YES!

Be specific to your niche & make sure you stand out from the crowd.

This will then make it easier to resonate with your target audience.

Always make it easier for yourself.

when you choose your niche ..

The next thing is, when choosing your niche you need to make it as easy as possible for them to know & understand what it is that you actually do.

Make sure when you are describing your niche you are doing it for them, but not for yourself.

For example ‘I help YOU to loose weight after having your baby’.

Remember speak to YOUR audience.

Stand out from the crowd.


If you haven’t already, be sure to join us in the Game Changer community on Facebook or on Instagram – @erinmayhenry.

Ready to nail your niche & build the perfect business plan?

IN THIS TRAINING You will learn:

  • The simple three-step business strategies every entrepreneur must know if they desire to make money and build influence online. 

  • The simple marketing and content creation plan that will leave you excited to show up online, rather than stressed out or overwhelmed.

  • The secret way to get your audience saying yes to your offer before you even sell to them. 

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