Quiet people can do amazing things (Ft. Mia Brox)

If you identify as more of an introvert or someone who feels a little shyer, but still has big dreams, this episode is for you.

Maybe you feel like you’re lacking in consistency because every time you show up online, you get that social media hangover. Maybe you’re struggling to find that frequency of fun. And maybe you’re just struggling to show up at all because you’re so afraid of people judging you.

Check out this week’s episode to learn to lean into being an introvert in business and how to show up as an incredible, incredible content creator.

If you did like this episode be sure to screenshot and share on Instagram and of course tag me + Mia, @erinmayhenry, and @miabrox.

My motto in life and in business is quiet people can do amazing things.


Meet Mia. A business coach, helping fellow introverts step into their superpower and shine online with confidence and grow their business.

My motto in life and in business is quiet people can do amazing things because I really believe that to be true. Like we can go out there and make noise despite our quiet voices and do big things in the world. 

When Mia started her business, she was dealing with a lot of limiting beliefs. She started her blog [00:13:00] in secret and wouldn’t even show her face on there.

That’s why, today, she wants to be there for people who are dealing with similar limiting beliefs. What will people think of me? What if they judge me? What if I make a mistake? What will my friends and family think?

She was so worried about what her friends would think, what her colleagues would think, [00:13:30] what her family would think that she didn’t tell anyone about it.

So there was a lot going on in my mind. So I just, I want to show people like what introverts are made of what we can make happen if we just keep going. And if we just start to show up for what we want to create in the world and dare to shine online. 

And for some people that takes a lot of time, like getting comfortable in your [00:14:00] new, online skin specifically. We need to let that confidence come in its own time.


If you are super shy, you’re not comfortable with showing your face in the very beginning, don’t do it.

Start a blog in secret if you have to.

i want to preface this advice by saying, that the more you show up, the more you, you know, go out there and tell the world what you’re up to, the faster you’re going to grow. Like that’s just the way it is. So move forward with that goal in mind.

It’s all about doing something that you are comfortable with in the beginning if you are struggling a lot. Start where it feels good to you. 

And then your confidence is going to grow over time. You’re going to see that you’re going to be able to create amazing things in this world. It’s an evolution.

Your mindset is going to expand [00:16:00] and starting a business is a personal development journey in and of itself, you know? 

Start by doing whatever feels doable and comfortable and good to you. Just take your time with it, take your time to get comfortable in your online skin and then start showing up when you feel ready to do so.


  • The mindset shifts it took to build a business that feels good to her.

  • Tips for consistently creating content as an Introvert (she even started a YouTube channel! **introvert gasp*

  • How Asana allows her to stay present and happy in her biz

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