How To Wake Up Like a Leader (A morning routine for success)

If you’ve been a part of the Game Changer Family for a little while you’ll know that leadership is something I am incredibly passionate about. So much so that I created a FREE masterclass around that exact topic. #justsaying

Ever since I started on this journey to success and growth as an entrepreneur and personal brand, I’ve been curious…ok, a little bit obsessed...about the makings of the leaders we all look up to. I’ve spent A LOT of time on my journey educating myself on how the leaders I look up to do it.

How do they show up with so much energy every day?

How do they stay so engaged with their community?

How do they stay focused?

And, how do they seem to be having so much fun while they do it? Because if it isn’t fun, it isn’t worth it lovely.

If you’re anything like me when I first started out, you desperately want to become a successful online entrepreneur. You have big dreams of living out your vision doing exactly what you love with the people who inspire you…But, it’s hard to wake up each day in that energy. Right?

To jump out of bed ready and roaring to make your way towards that exact lifestyle of freedom, consistent profit, and amazing community you envision…To build your dream life and business.

Well, I have a secret for you…those leaders you look up to so much…

They have those days too. 

The difference is that they’ve developed a routine they go through EVERY DAY to ensure that they get fired up, intentional, and ready to be the leaders they are. They all have kickass morning routine.

If you want to show up as a leader in your life + business, whether it be with your clients + community or on stories…you need to prioritize starting your day as that person, you need to make space to get into that energy.


Tony Robbins (big time fangirl, over here) calls his morning routine “priming”. And does it whether he has an hour, thirty minutes, or even five minutes, it doesn’t matter. He makes sure to do it every morning because it sets the tone for the rest of your day

That’s the kind of commitment you need to have towards your morning routine if you really want to become that next-level version of yourself. It needs to become non-negotiable.

Because if you want to show up as a leader in your life + business, whether it be with your clients + community or on stories…you need to prioritize starting your day as that person, you need to make space to get into that energy.

If you need support in setting yourself up with the confidence to start putting yourself out there to make it all happen, make sure to check out my free masterclass How To be a Leader in Your Niche (from day one), but also assess how you are starting your days.

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for success, your morning routine is exactly that, YOURS. It’s going to change and evolve with you. But, if you want to start showing up as the leader version of yourself day-in and day-out, it’s important that you prioritize establishing a routine that will allow you to start your day that way. 

This is the routine I go through every morning to get me showing up fully as Leader Erin. It helps me start every day as the best version of myself + leaves me feeling inspired to do the same the next day. 

Yours may not look exactly like this, but use it to inspire your very own leader morning routine—the way I did with those I’ve sought guidance from.

1) No phone

It’s important that you wake up and give yourself space to develop the mental capacity to nourish your own mind and body. When we check our phones in the morning, we are allowing our creativity to be sort of siphoned because we are immediately giving our attention to other people and their needs.

Sure, we end up on Pinterest and Instagram the best of intentions, but I guarantee, more often than not, you are left feeling worse. Falling victim to the fear of comparison and of not doing enough is not how you want to start your day, lovely.

So, do yourself a favour, and don’t look at your phone until you have had the opportunity to work through the rest of your morning routine. Then you’ll be able to show up with more energy, intention…and patience…then you may have had before.


2) Movement

This is something that is really important and has changed a lot for me lately. We hear leaders talking all the time about the importance of exercise, but it wasn’t until recently that I found something that I love—Muay Thai. I now understand how truly important exercise actually is and more then that I have fun doing it!

So whether it’s 15 minutes or an 1 hour, find a way to move your body in a way that feels FUN to you, every morning. That way it won’t be so hard to convince yourself to follow-through with it every day.

3) High-Vibe State

Take some time to get into a high-vibe, good feeling state. Now, that’s going to look different for everyone.

For instance, for me it’s listening to music and getting ready. Sometimes it’s listening to podcasts or motivational videos. Like these:

Dream – Motivational Video:  

Vision – Motivational Video

We all know our individual triggers, what motivates and inspires us, so we each have to create our own mindset toolkit— our own high vibe creator.

Yours will be completely unique to you. What makes you feel high-vibe and ready to take on the world? What makes you feel ready to move through your day with intention? Take note and make it habit to go to that kit whenever you need some of those magical good feelings!

4) Create space for our own inner connection

A lot of people will meditate or visualization to connect within. For me, it’s journaling. Journaling will allow you to connect to your goals, connect to your vision, on a daily basis.

For Steve Jobs, it was a question. 

“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

Steve Jobs

Every day you should be reconnecting in with your higher purpose, with everything you’re working on. We can’t just continuously start every day in responsive mode because we’ll never get anywhere. It’s like being on the hamster wheel of life.

Whereas when we start our day with intention, with visualization, with focus, and really really really zoning in on what it is we’re trying to create we’re so much more intentional throughout our day. 


So the real elements we want to have throughout our morning routine is:

  • Energy production (which we get through our high-vibe toolkit + movement).

  • Stillness (so we can connect into our own intuition).

  • Intention (So we can get really super intentional about connecting with our goals and reminding ourselves of what we want to achieve in life).

And, that’s it. That’s the morning routine that I flow through every single day to get me showing up as the leader I know I was meant to be!

I want you to start showing up as that leader version of yourself too, lovely! Because your dream clients need to hear what you have to say! So, if you need support i
n setting yourself up with the confidence to start putting yourself out there as that leader version of you, make sure to check out my free masterclass How To be a Leader in Your Niche (from day one).

What does your leader morning routine look like? Let me know on Instagram – @erinmayhenry. I would LOVE to hear all about it!

are you ready to be seen as a well-known leader in your niche?

You desperately want to become a successful online entrepreneur who gets to live out her dream doing exactly what she loves with the people who inspire her.

But, it’s hard to know which route is THE ONE that’ll lead you to that exact lifestyle of freedom, consistent profit, and an amazing community.

Well, my proven process will teach you the exact steps to take to be a wildly in-demand brand!

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