Creating a Business Plan with Asana – VLOG

Whether you’re a small business or you’ve been around for a while, it’s important to create a solid business strategy. It’s essential for your company’s growth and overall success. 

In my recent video on how to change your life, I talked about all the things I wanted to change to up-level my life and business. While I haven’t stopped the Uber Eats.. what I have done is completely systemise my business!

Enter video on Creating a Business Plan with Asana!

How to systemise your business

What I’ve done and what you should be doing is going through all the areas that you need to grow your company. One thing I’ve realised is that you don’t have a scalable business until everything can be running in the background without you. 

You might not be in this stage of your own business just yet, but I’ve been building my business for over three years now. A big part of stepping into the next level version of myself (Killer Queen) is becoming the CEO, rather than just being someone who’s working in the business.

Becoming the CEO 

What I’ve done is broken down all the areas of my business and systemised all of them. I’ve created a proper vision and mission statement for The Game Changer Company and created a full-blown branding guide. Allowing anyone new to the business to come in and have an overview of how everything runs/looks within the business, it also ensures the GCC mission/goals are clear for myself and my team.


Streamlining Products and Services 

What I’ve done is streamlined all the products and services I offer with a complete plan for how I’m going to grow and scale my business in 2020. It means fewer offerings and a lot more focus on particular areas of the company.


Organisational Structure Chart

I’ve also created an organisational structure chart with everyone’s roles. For me to grow the company, I need to step into the visionary role while my team runs certain areas for me. It’s all about working smarter, not harder.  

Even if you are at the very start of your business, I recommend that this is something that you do.


Why not create a future org chart?

You may not be in the position to currently hire anyone, but at least you know what you’re working towards in the future.

I go into depth on how to create all this for your company in the Game Changer Collective Community. If you want to learn more about that, click here:

Taking Action on Your Plans

Now that I’ve created all of these plans, it’s time to put it all into action. Now that we have our clear goals, who’s in charge of what areas, the most important thing to do is execute. 

When we over-think things, we start to get paralysis of analysis. We begin to analyse things to the point that we cannot move forward. We obsess over how conditions aren’t perfect, question the amount of time we have to commit or come up with a whole host of reasons not to move forward. 

Instead of getting caught up, it’s time to put funnels and strategies in place to create change.


If you want to create change in your life and business, you need to surround yourself with others who are doing the same! Join our community on Facebook and Instagram – @erinmayhenry, I’ll see you there!

are you ready to start creating your dream life?


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