How to Sell Authentically Online with Samantha Hearne

Today I have Sam from A Happy Mind on my YouTube channel to help me explain to you how to sell online authentically.

Sam and I have a lot of experience selling online. We both run multiple six-figure businesses and are blessed enough to be living the life of our dreams! But we get it, it can be hard to sell online.

Maybe you’re great at creating content or cultivating an amazing and supportive community, but where you’re lacking is the actual selling piece. In this video, we’re going to give you some very practical, mindset tips that will help you start to sell online.

Have More Fun

There is something extremely charismatic about someone just having fun when they’re selling online. When I see people who are in love with themselves, what they do and their community, it really makes me want to buy from them.

I know when I’m having a lot of fun when selling, I see my sales sky rocket.

For example

I recently I launched Vision and Tribe and I loved this program so much!Where I made most of my sales from this program was Instagram stories and this was the case because I decided that I was going to document my day to day life and having fun and then include a call to action to join me in my amazing program.

Document your life having fun and it will become a lot more authentic to sell that way.

Have a Clear Invitation

It’s so important when selling online that you give a clear invitation in your sale.

You may have an amazing program with spots available but you need to ensure that you’re giving a very clear invitation to:

WHO it’s for, WHY they should buy it and WHY they need it and the BENEFIT to them and their needs.

Try to avoid making it all about you and “your course” or “your product” and make it about your audience and their needs.

For example

“This is for you because…”

“I have created this to help you achieve XYZ.”

“This is to help you create more of XYZ in your life”.

Reframe your selling so that you’re inviting your audience to invest in something that’s going to benefit them.

Focus on the Result

People do not care how long your videos or modules are or what programs you’re using to create the course. People care about what results your course is going to give them.

People want fast results, talk about what they get at the end . You don’t need to guarantee results but you do need to talk about the desired outcomes are.

For example

“After working with me after 12 weeks you will have XYZ.”

“After you take this program, this intention is that you have XYZ.”

Talk about where they could be if they take action on your goals and dreams.

Be Transparent

When selling or launching a course, it’s essential that you have an end date and that you stick to it. Find out why this is so important by watching How To Sell Authentically Online!

Follow Sam!




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