Health, Business and What It’s REALLY like as a Digital Nomad with Chani Thompson


Chani Thompson is an international speaker, blogger, inspiration coach and business mentor to women entrepreneurs in the wellness world from all around the globe.

What started out as a small passion project side hustle alongside her nursing career in 2014, Chani went on to create an online business which not only met but surpassed her full time wage as a nurse.

Giving her the ability to retire at the age of 28 years old to pursue her long time passion, holistic health and living a life on her terms whilst growing a career that felt purposeful.

Listen to this game changing interview with Chani below!

In this game changer chat we discuss:

  • What it’s really like to be a digital nomad

  • How to stay healthy as an entrepreneur

  • Why values are so important in business

Chani’s Story

Today Chani is the founder of The Healthstyle Emporium, an online holistic wellness program with over 8000 members from 23 different countries around the world who are all putting their health first.

She is the pioneer behind Babes In Business, an online mentoring hub for women entrepreneurs in the wellness world who are wanting to create impact and also create a career that lights them up, she is the co-host of Australian Business podcast “Babes Talking Business” as well as an international speaker and inspiration coach to many.

Chani’s company turns over multiple 7 figures per year and loves to teach other women her blueprint by showing the power of leveraging off social media, aligning with your highest values, and creating a vision, mission and purpose that will leave a legacy behind and allow you to live the life you always dreamed of. 

Chani on being a Digital Nomad

“Honestly, it can be really hard to travel whilst working on your business due to a lack of routine. If you’re going to take a working holiday, find yourself a home base and settle in.”

Read more tips from Chani below.

What is Self Care?

Ensuring that you’re doing something on your self care check list at least once a day. It’s not about spending money on getting your hair or nails done, it’s so much more than that.

It’s about spending meaningful time doing something you love for your own health and happiness. It could be reading a book in the sun, doing yoga in the backyard, whatever it looks like for you, make sure you’re taking the time for yourself.

Living the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

Chani and her husband went on a one year working holiday after they got married. Chani explains…

The truth behind having a digital nomad lifestyle is that travelling whilst working online to make an income is NOT easy.

We started our business holiday with my Business Mastery Retreat in Bali we then went on and bought a car to travel through Europe and visited France, Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Greece and so many other places.

We had planned our trip to visit so many amazing countries and cities but it just didn’t happen because I was working. So instead of doing what we had planned and exploring, we quickly realised that we needed to stay in places for longer than three or so days because I had to work eight plus hours a day.

I wanted to enjoy the holiday but still work eight hours in my business so we quickly realised that whilst we were holidaying, it wasn’t a normal holiday.

The first two months of the trip was hard because I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I wasn’t able to work, travel, explore and sleep. Yes, I was in these amazing places but often I was confined to our Airbnb because I had to work and the consequences were that I missed out on exploring some amazing places.

Working Holiday Tips

There was a feeling of resentment towards by business because it was taking up all my exploring time and it was hard to get in flow. We realised we needed to spend longer than three nights and so we changed our plans to stay in places for one to two weeks at a time and that relieved a lot of pressure.

We weren’t exercising or doing our morning routine like we normally would and it honestly put me in a funk. So we figured out that we have to live in places and settle in rather than travelling around so much. Once we had a home base I was able to settle in and relax because I was getting work done and also enjoying sight seeing, food, culture and so much more.

Working Online

I also quickly learnt that as a digital nomad, one thing is really important, WIFI!

My business is online and so I obviously need wifi to be able to take calls, reply to emails, communicate within my Facebook groups and I was unable to that a lot of the time.

My hard drive broke with my whole life on it and I had a massive break down. To try and get it fixed was a nightmare because no one spoke english.

Just, BE PREPARED for the unexpected when travelling.

However, it’s not all bad!

Working on your business whilst travelling will test you but you will not only grow as a person but you become a lot more resilient. You will gain so many new skills and become an amazing leader in your business because of all the life lessons that are thrown your way.

Check out Chani below:

Chani’s Story – 




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