10k Her First Month of Launching with Vanessa Lau

Today’s Game Changer Chat is with such an exciting person, Vanessa Lau!

Vanessa is not only a client but she is someone who’s making huge waves in the industry. She is a Brand Strategy Coach and Consultant for millennials around the world who want to ditch the cubicle and jumpstart their businesses online.Her focus is on helping them ditch the cubical to build a passion filled online business.

What’s In The Podcast?

Not only do we chat about what it takes to start an online business but we dive deep into strategy and what it takes to be a good client.

We always hear about how to be a good coach and get your clients results but Vanessa and I talk about how to be a good client so that you can get the most from your coach! Which is exactly what Vanessa did, as well as:

  • How to be more driven as a side hustler

  • How to create a tribe online

  • Tips if you are just starting YouTube

Let’s dive into some of the gold nuggets from this week’s podcast with the AH-MAZING Vanessa!

Vanessa’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Apart of me felt like the underdog growing up. I was seen as a bit of a party girl and I felt like I couldn’t have fun and be smart. So when I got into University I felt like I had accomplished something to be proud of. At that point, I wanted to rebrand myself as a smart and hard-working corporate lady.

I thought that being successful meant I had to climb the corporate ladder. However, once I got into the corporate ladder full time and achieved everything I thought I wanted, I realised that it wasn’t for me.

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

Over time I realised that it wasn’t worth going to a job where I was crying every day. I’m a firm believer in trying to make things work before giving up but if you know in your gut that you were made for something else, chase that dream.

I left my job and I didn’t have a backup plan.

I created my YouTube channel and on the side I worked as a barista at a coffee shop because I knew I needed time and energy to work on creating my business and an office job was not going to allow me to do that. I prioritised time over money, and it wasn’t easy but it was the best decision that I made for myself because I worked even harder to get myself out of that situation.

I worked in a coffee shop to pursue my dreams because I knew it wouldn’t be forever and I knew it would get me where I needed to be.

I decided to take responsibility for my own journey. I thought about where I wanted to be and what steps I needed to take to get there.”

– Vanessa Lau

I realised that leaving my 9-5 and trying to start my own business was going to take time but I knew it was what I wanted to do in the long run.

There were plenty of times when I had imposter syndrome and there were times when I doubted myself but I realised that I wasn’t reinventing the wheel. I watched what my mentors did and I created a roadmap in order to get to the level of the people I admire.

The Competition

Prior to actually starting I told myself that the market was too competitive and that it was too late. When I finally decided to actually start and just see where it goes, despite the competition, I realised that of course it wasn’t too late.

You will always think ‘I should’ve started sooner’ but next year you’ll wish you started now. The advice I give to my clients is to just start NOW and do the work despite the competition.

Building an Online Community

People often struggle with what they should give away and what they should charge for. This is something I struggled with and it was Erin who told me that people could easily Google what they’re looking for and get it for free, what they’re paying for is time.

This was a turning point for me and it made me more determined to always give my audience the best value content possible. Which essentially led to building a tribe of brand ambassadors for my business.

To build an online community it’s also important to be an opportunist and capitalise on the opportunities that we have today. A lot of the platforms we can build a business on are FREE, so start now and capitalise on that.

How To Capitalise on Going Viral

Having a video go viral does not mean that your subscribers or following are going to blow up overnight. You need to have a library of valuable content as well as be consistently posting content to capitalise on a video going viral.

When my video went viral my channel did so well because it was a very valuable video AND I was pumping out plenty of other valuable videos to back it up.

You have to realise that going viral can actually be a bad thing and hurt your brand. If my viral video had crap tips, it would have killed my brand and I would have lost credibility as a coach. Instead, it helped my brand because I always ensure I’m producing content that is valuable and my audience want to see.

We covered so many valuable points throughout the podcast so be sure to give it a listen – Thank you to Vanessa for being on The Game Changer Podcast, be sure to check her out below.

Follow Vanessa Here:




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