Why Online Courses SUCK!

Do you want to know the real reason why online courses suck? I’m going to tell you why you’re not learning anything or why you’re not finishing the online course that you invest in.

The Education Industry

The online education industry including University degrees is a 2.5 billion dollar industry!

People are out there getting an education which is great but online courses and education have around a 15% completion rate…

This means there are billions of dollars going down the drain because people are just not finishing these online courses.

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of investing in online courses that I haven’t finished so I get it. I don’t think it’s the course creators fault and I don’t think it’s the course itself but it’s the environment in which I’ve made the investment. So why is there such a low completion rate? It has to do with the environment.


There is a much higher completion rate when people complete their education on campus or within a community. Including courses like the ones I have created – this is why it’s so important for me to bring people together when people partake in my courses.

That’s why it’s so important for me to ensure there is some sort of accountability for everyone who starts my group coaching program, monthly membership, attends an event, or anything else I put out there.

Invested in an Online Course?

If you have invested in an online course and you’re feeling frustrated because you haven’t completed or even started it, then I have some tips that can get you started with your online education.

Step 1

Buddy Up and Keep Yourself Accountable

Whether you decide to undertake the course with a friend, a business bestie, you need someone on the journey with you to keep you accountable. When you’re able to work through each module with someone, you’re much more likely to complete and enjoy it!

Step 2

Give Yourself A Massive Deadline

Put some skin in the game and remind yourself of why you invested in and why you must have a deadline to complete the course.

If you give yourself a deadline and a reason to complete the course, it’s more likely that you’ll take action.

Step 3

Make a Bigger Investment

This isn’t to sell you into the courses I’ve created but you MUST have skin in the game to feel driven to complete the course and in the grand scheme of things achieve your goals!

When we buy $100 – $200 courses, yes, we’re investing but investing a smaller amount often doesn’t push you enough to ensure you’ll finish or even start the course.

My suggestion is to think about what investment you will get the most value from.

Rather than investing in a whole bunch of little courses, save up and make a bigger investment. Signing up to a monthly membership or a group coaching program may be a little bit more gut-wrenching but it may also ensure that you’re actually motivated TO DO THE WORK!

Invest in a program where you’re apart of a community and drive to gain full value for your investment.

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

If you take anything away from this I hope that it’s to surround yourself with a community of like-minded people.

To gain the full value of the courses that you undertake you need the accountability, communication and most importantly, feedback.

You are a unique individual who needs and deserves to converse with others about what you’re learning and how to implement it into action.

So, there it is…

Why I think online courses suck but how you can fix it and work towards achieving your goals.

If you’re ready to start living your best entrepreneurial life then you can gain instant access to my free audio training below!

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