Having FOMO in Business and How To Avoid It


It can be so easy to get caught up in the “shiny object syndrome”, where we see someone doing something amazing, so we want to do that as well.

I mean, I get it, there are a million and one amazing things that we could do and it seems like every day there’s a new business fad that is “the next big thing” to make you a gazillion dollars. It happens to me every once in a while, but sometimes you just have to reign in your expectation and come back to reality.

I have had many experiences where I felt like “my way” of doing things was wrong or not the “right way”, so instead I would do something that is working for others. But now, it’s different.

Why, you ask?

Because I wasted a lot of my energy and time in figuring out things or journey that were not my journey and not what I was supposed to be doing. It happens to us all, we have to test things out just to realise or confirm that it was not the right thing for us. This can be known as learning the hard way.

Having FOMO within Your business?


Having FOMO in Business

The idea of not starting a Youtube channel gave me FOMO. Now for those of you who know me, already know I do have a Youtube channel and have some amazing interviews on my channel but I was not too serious about my Youtube strategy. And then recently I heard these loud noises, “Video is the thing now”. “Video is most important for your business”, ” If you are not on video, you are doomed”, and I started having FOMO (Fear of missing out).

I knew I wanted to use video to my advantage but the idea of scripting videos and then EDITING those were a serious pain in the ass. I mean I was exhausted just to do my channel trailer, how was I supposed to pull it off, week after week!

I know this was a lesson to be learnt and I got experience and I learnt how to edit videos and those fancy videos tricks but you know what? I stopped doing my podcast episodes due to that. My podcast is already doing great and podcasting is what always lights me up.

Sharing my experiences, learnings, strategies, soul work and mindset work is what really makes my soul happy. No wonder I was screaming at everyone around me and feeling frustrated, thinking why is this not working out?

How To Follow Your Own Path in Business

Listen, I am not saying Video is bad, no no, that is not at all my point. In fact, video is amazing and I am going to do it at some point in time in future, but editing and other aspects took my CEO time which was the annoying part.

My point here is, you do not need to do what others are doing or it is not necessary that if something is working for others it will work for you as well. Trust that what is aligned with your soul can never be found in somebody else’s work. So if you are wasting your time in a hundred different strategies and complex funnels thing, and it’s making you difficult to breathe in your business, then it’s not your thing.

There are no rules here, which is the most exciting part. You just have to KEEP DOING (consistently) what feels aligned to your soul, your personality and your brand. 

Just because the gurus, mentors or peers around you are telling you to do something, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for you.

When we try to rush to our destination holding someone else’s MAP, we land in a different destination, which is not ours.

You might find money and some fame on that path, but at what cost? We can never experience FOMO when we do what brings us joy not only in our business but also in our lives.


Are there things that you do in your business that drain your soul but you keep doing them due to FOMO?

  1. Identify the things in your business that are a real “pain in the ass” that you can either automate, delegate or delete.

  2. Ask yourself what is really fun for you, what lights you up so much so that it does not even feel like work?

  3. Keep doing those things (in point 2 above) CONSISTENTLY and you will reach your destination most joyfully.

By Bansi Patel

The Author

Bansi Patel is an Online Business coach, Author of two bestselling books “Mingling with the Universe” and “Heart Fool of Love and Life”, Podcaster and co-founder of Youniverseway brand. Bansi had a major career transition from being a certified Chartered accountant (which is an equivalent degree to CPA in USA) to being an Artist and an Online Business coach. Now she helps creative entrepreneurs, artists and passionistas to turn their “creative dream” into a “creative living” with fun, simplicity and ease.

Through her “Youniverseway Podcast”, Bansi helps artists and creatives to unlock their potential, deal with resistance, create and put there art out there, market and build their brands most soulfully even if it feels like sticking a fork in the eye. Bansi uses her signature approach of Soulwork+Strategy+Mindset in all her creations.

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