Overcome the Fear of Using Online Video With Ellen Olsen

When it comes to putting yourself out there, self-criticism is inevitable. If you’ve decided you want to start creating video content, that is amazing!

However, you’ve probably experienced some resistance in getting started or creating videos consistently, am I right? You’re in luck because there are steps that you can take to make sure you’re on the pathway to becoming a video master!

In today’s podcast episode, we’re chatting Ellen Olsen. Ellen is is a video coach from Norway, helping female entrepreneurs get visible through visual content so they can attract more clients in their business.

Find your platform

The first step is to find what platform and style work for you.

It could be Facebook stories, TikTok, or YouTube. YouTube can feel super structured and gives a higher looking production vibe, but that might not suit everyone where Instagram tends to have a more authentic laid back feel.

I hear you asking how and where can I get the confidence to film myself? The answer is that practice makes perfect.

Practising every day will give you the confidence to get behind the camera each day and show up.

You don’t need to have confidence before you start. Taking action each day will give you confidence, not the other way around.

You will suck, and you will fail

Once you realise this, success will come sooner than you think. The more action you take, the more experience you have, the better you will become.

How do you overcome “failure” in the video world?

Have fun!

Become clear on what’s important to you and what your business goals are but make sure that you can have fun with it!

Don’t take a lack of progress as life or death. Just make each day better than the last.

have resilience

You need to be able to build resilience and pick your self up after failing. Take a step back; look at why it failed. Look back at your goals and mantras and go again.

get support from your business besties

Find the online business besties that will give you confidence and affirmations to make improvements and make changes.

The support that you can grasp from a group that can provide feedback on content and motivations will push you to the next level.

You will have days where you will want to throw it all away, but your community will give you the support and motivation that all successful entrepreneurs depend on.

Video production tips

If Youtube is daunting, take a step back and start with one or two platforms and build your engagement and audience.

Try to find a platform where you are going to capture the engagement of your target audience. This will be reflected in what platform is best suited to your personality and message.

Your energy will be different from platform to platform and on video vs podcast. You need to be mindful that the pressure to produce content can be immense and be mindful to succumbing to pressure to create content just because you have a schedule to stick to even if your feeling like shit that day! Maintain your passion and joy and harness this when you can.

producing Content

Producing content can be a balance of listening to what your audience needs and what you’re able to create (based on time mood, external pressures).

Dropping out little bite-size videos with golden nuggets of information or hacks might be your key to success. Rather than 30min produced and edited YouTube videos. Additionally, if you can’t be bothered filming, cleaning editing, putting makeup on for a scripted YouTube video regularly. Maybe short impromptu videos could be your calling on TikTok or Instagram.

Also, going live can be scary AF, but lives are the more excellent hurdle to overcoming anxiety about left doubt and gaining experience in the video contact world. No editing, little planning and presto it’s out there for the world to see.

Rewatch it a day later and make sure the next time you go live it’s better than the last. You’ll be a professional content creator in no time.

Professional video hacks

You don’t need to rush out and buy the latest DLSR Cannon. Smartphones and laptops are defiantly good enough to get you started – use what you have and your disposal to just start and see what you like.

Lighting sit in front of a window and use natural light when you can!

HACK! Look into the camera when recording yourself, rather than starring at your beautiful face. Speak to your audience because the power of eye contact is immense.

Editing and backdrops are also much-deliberated topics but let’s be clear – no one is going to be looking at your monstera plants or your faux fur rug if you don’t have a target audience or your message is weak.

Keep it real; keep it fun and keep it authentic.

Appreciate the glow up

We all start somewhere, and seeing your progression will give you motivation! You will be able to look able over time and look back at your old live videos and produced content and reflect on how far you have come and how much more you know. Appreciate the journey and watch yourself grow!

Using video to get clients

Use your videos to educate and display your passion for your niche will develop rapport and credibility.

People are smart, and they know what they want. But they can be sceptical of scammers and salespeople pushing a dodgy or insincere product and so you need to build your like, know and trust factor.

People will buy from people they trust and have a connection with so use your video to show off your personality and expertise.

Be real, be authentic and just start!


If you haven’t already, be sure to join us in the Game Changer community on Facebook or on Instagram – @erinmayhenry.

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