5 Tips For Putting Yourself Out There

Putting yourself out there can be hard, especially if you’re experiencing imposter syndrome or unfairly comparing yourself to others. In today’s podcast, I’m going to talk you through five tips for putting yourself out there and finally getting over the bs that is holding you back.

In this podcast, I give you some practical strategies to put yourself out there but if you want to double down, have the accountability and extra advice then I join us in my free 5-day challenge Born To Be Seen 2019.

I’m going to help you start thinking about what you’re working towards and break down the fears that are stopping you so you can start 2020 off with a bang.

Find a way that works for you

You need to stop pigeon-holing yourself and stop comparing yourself to others that may be ahead of you in their journey. If you compare yourself to someone on year two and you’re only on day two, you’re going to scare yourself into not taking action and not giving yourself a chance.

Remember EVERYONE started somewhere

When you’re starting out, the best thing you can do is to focus on building your niche, developing a structure and figuring out what your online presence is. Figure out where your audience is and optimise that platform to its absolute full potential.

Mastering a social media platform is a game; you have so many different platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Tik Tok, YouTube, to name the headliners.

Find the one you like and dedicate the first period of your business becoming kick ass on that platform.

Get comfortable with silence

It will take time for your socials to grow. In the beginning, there will be crickets and silence. No one will hear you, but if your patient and consistent, soon enough they will.

What would you tell a friend or a client if they had launched a podcast or YouTube channel and it only received five views in the first week? You’d say to them to keep persevering.

Your value isn’t based on “likes”. Let me know when Mark starts sending cheques out for likes.

Do not allow your self to measure views as a marker for success.

What does a “like” even mean? Let me know when Mark starts sending cheques out for likes.

Social Algorithms now mean that a video or post could get picked up by a hashtag and voila, within a week 30,000 views. But it has been viewed by 28,000 that aren’t interested and people that won’t buy your service or product.

What would you prefer?

30,000 views = 5 DMS and 1 sale?


3,000 views = 25 DMS and five sales?

I’d be taking 3,000 views every time!

Focus on targeting audiences where your connection and content gives value and has impact on your community. From there, you will have a far greater engagement and sales/enrolments in the long run.

Manage your energy

The best people in all areas of business are OTT passionate about their industry. For example Garry Vee – be passionate about what you do.

You need to manage your energy online and on camera.

Don’t be mundane and blah, people want to feed off of your energy. If you’re not feeling the heat, light that fire.

Figure out how to get urself out of your funk! Run, walk, pat your dog or someone else’s or dance around the house to your favourite tunes!

By displaying a passion for what you do, it will result in community growth, engagement and following. One way or another, this will translate into higher sales, engagement and growth.

Turn to your cheer squad

When you’re feeling flat and over it, turn to your cheer squad. When you have self-doubt and are ready to give up, turn to your cheer squad.

You need a cheer squad to get you back on the motivation train.

You will have days or weeks where you want to give it all away and give up. This is where your tribe or cheer squad will come into play.

Call upon your friends, your families, and if no one in your family believes in you, find online friends and business besties to support you… Ahem cough*, cough* GCC >> https://www.thegamechangercompany.com/membership-sales


I hope these tips help you learn to start putting yourself out there to achieve your business or even life goals. If you did enjoy the podcast please rate and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and be sure to share on socials and tag @erinmayhenry @gamechangercompany

Links Mentioned in the Podcast:

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