Tech and Marketing for Early Stage Entrepreneurs with Louise Henry

Welcome to this week’s podcast! We’re speaking with Louise Henry and talking about being a digital nomad and overcoming the mountains of technical jargon that you may encounter in your first 12 months of business. 

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Create your own Client-Winning website

Louise Henry is an online entrepreneur and educator over at She’s on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to own their online presence – starting with their website confidently. 

Louise does this by sharing free tutorials on her YouTube channel and through her online course, Website that Wows. She loves seeing entrepreneurs bring their big ideas to life and believes that they shouldn’t be held back by the tech stuff!

Louise helps online entrepreneurs who want to DIY with zero tech stress!

Pros and cons of being a digital nomad

There are things to be taken into consideration when exploring the idea of becoming a digital nomad. While the idea of being free and living the dream jet setting from the beach to the hotel is very real and achievable. There are a number of things you need to be aware of.

Don’t jump too early from your nine to five job as you may have responsibilities and commitments that may be dependent on you having a steady source of income.

If you are to reduce your income significantly, you may end up applying significant pressure to yourself to succeed and grow your business. While pressure can be a good thing; financial pressure is never usually a good thing.

You also need to take into account your own ability to depend on stability. Some people need a steady environment to be able to learn and focus on developing their craft. Working as a digital nomad can provide a lot of instability, but if you’re able to overcome the downside, then you can definitely reap the benefits and travel the world.

Lifestyle’s of the digital nomad

Some of the most significant challenges and obstacles that people face when living a digital nomad lifestyle is the instability and lack of routine.

You must be a self-starter and have the ability to figure out when you can utilise workspaces and environments to your advantage. Being grounded provide you with access to regular foods that you love connection with family members, going to your favourite local shops or even a gym. All of which are somewhat accessible and replaceable when living a nomadic lifestyle. However, they require extra thought process to do these everyday tasks when you’re a digital nomad.

One of the more significant problems the nomad lifestyle can be impacted by is the unreliable Internet. If your an Aussie you’re probably used to dealing with the unreliable Internet for most of your adult life

If you’re considering travelling to a country or city, be sure to utilise the Which rates and correlates information across the globe on locations rating their safety internet weather and various other factors that nomads deem important to support their journey.

It’s far from easy and it might not ever become easy. You’re always going to be challenged with Internet problems, “tourists” and lifestyle factors between countries. The only aspect that will get easier is your ability to tolerate and get used to the change of environments and the variables around you.

Overcoming technophobia

One of the biggest problems and obstacles that entrepreneurs face when starting a new business is being challenged with a mountain of technological tasks to overcome.

For many of us who have only ever experienced broadband internet and have only ever owned smartphones, we often find ourselves saying the following…

  • I hate technology.

  • I hate emails. 

  • I cant design a website. 

  • I have no money to invest.

Sound familiar?

At the start, when building your business and website, you will be consuming a lot of information from podcasts and social media. 

You will be lectured on how to’s and what not to do’s. You need to take a step back and figure out what is the best marketing strategy to get your business out there into the world.

Don’t go all out on your startup website. 

Before investing thousands of dollars into a website when you are first commencing your business. You need to be focusing on what your niche is who your audience and clients are. 

You need to have a website of some sort to show a certain level of professionalism. 

The main thing is is that you need to be able to develop and change a website as you grow and improve your business mindset. Your vision, goals and plan will change dramatically from week 1 to 18 months down the track. 

Once you’ve spent countless dollars on a website with an external business or agency, chances are you won’t be able to edit that website as your goals change. 

Get on SquareSpace and start with a simple template they have. A great tip is using some high-quality resolution photos; these make the website look very professional and often can be manufactured by using your smartphone or a half-decent camera.

Content or website; what comes first?

Content or website; what comes first?

Why not both? Get them both done. Try having three pieces prewritten so that when your website goes live. And when your advertising is promoting on social media, you will have something for your audience to explore when they arrived at your web page.

How do drive traffic to your website

  • Facebook, Instagram pages/groups and hashtags

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), blog posts with keywords.

  • Post on Pinterest

The triple play

  1. Film a video

  2. Write the transcript, turn it into a blog.

  3. Create pins and social posts from screen grabs from the video.

Post the blog and video and link them back to each other. This will boost your SEO credibility and drive traffic to your website.

Email lists – “Grow baby grow.”

The easiest way to grow your email list is to create a super valuable YouTube freebie and provide that as a downloadable option on your website in exchange for your customers/clients providing their email address.

Erin admits that she uses a lot of Instagram direct messaging and promotions as opposed to email marketing. The downside is that it’s impossible to obtain detailed statistics to track data from where are you drew your clients.

Louise’s current program shows you how to build a website, building your online presence and developing your marketing prowess and turning visitors into clients.

You will learn to become a master of SquareSpace and how to build your brand and style your website — guided on developing content, developing blogs, search engine optimisation, setting up funnels and growing your email list.

I highly recommend that you go over to her YouTube and explore some of our videos and nuggets of gold. As I guarantee these will assist you in developing your business.


are you ready to start creating your dream life?



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