10 Success Habits You Need to Start

Our habits really do dictate how we live our lives. The more positive habits that we have the more chance we have at achieving our goals in the new year.

1. Decluttering

Making sure that your environment is constantly clear. The is a correlation between your workspace and your ability to think.

If you are wanting to perform as the best version of yourself and have clarity for your goals in the new year, your environment should reflect that. Doing the best you can to tidy and maintain your workspace and home.

2. Try Something New Every Day

This is a habit that is going to challenge you to try something new or at least give you a new experience. Helping you to step outside of your comfort zone.

If there is something you can challenge yourself to do every day, think about all you will have achieved and learned by the end of 2019.

3. Reframing

How you decide to look at situations is going to dictate how you live your life. Good and bad things happen to us in life but the way handle that situation is going to determine how you live your life.

Rather than reacting to everything that happens in life, train yourself to look at it in a positive way.

4. Constantly Meet New People

The quote ‘always be the dumbest person in the room’ is the perfect way to explain this habit. Surrounding ourselves with successful, intelligent people will help us to learn from them.

Get into the habit of meeting new people, going to events and putting yourself out there online.

5. Start Being Honest with Yourself

This habit can be hard for some of us but you have to ask yourself the hard questions. Are you making excuses? Just be honest with yourself and whether you are making an excuse not to get things done or whether it is actually reality.

You are the only one who can make your dreams come true and you have to be responsible for that. Make it a habit, to be honest with yourself and to stop making excuses.

6. Start Being Organised

The simple habits of using my Asana account in correlation with my Google calendar and my to-do list, has been a game changer for me. It not only helps with day to day tasks but the overall running of my business.

Do leave room for magic and creativity but it’s important to focus on your priorities and make it a habit to plan, do, plan, do it!

7. Budgeting and Taking Control of Your Finances

If you do your research of super successful and wealthy people you will see the trend that all of them have a handle over their finances. It doesn’t matter if you’re making $50k, $100k or 1 million dollars a year, you have to know your income vs your expenses, have a plan and budget in place for your life.

Start the habit of always knowing how much money your making versus how much you’re spending so that you can budget and create a successful habit. To have financial freedom it’s all about your net worth and having your savings and investments portfolio.

8. Stretching or doing Yoga

This habit is a little different from my other success habits. However, stretching is so important! This is a base habit that can dictate how successful you are in other areas.

By stretching your muscles you’re allowing your mind and creativity flow and from a spiritual point of view ensuring all of your chakras are aligned.

9. Journaling and Reflecting

This is one of those habits that so many people neglect, but it can have such a positive impact on your life. By taking some time to connect with your intuition through this practice, you can begin to work through your own blocks and limitations that are holding you back from success.

10. Laugh

Because it’s good for the soul!

Be sure to watch my video on 10 Habits to Start Before 2019  for the rest of my success habits! 


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