Samantha Hearne Answers Your Side Hustle Questions

In this podcast episode of Game Changers, we have our first returning guest Sam from A Happy Mind. 

Sam is a business, mindset and anxiety coach who helps females and entrepreneurs build the life and business of their dreams, free from anxiety. Although Sam’s mindset advice is always on point, in this episode we have Sam answering questions that you guys have been asking on Instagram.

These questions are all about starting and managing a side hustle which Sam knows all about! 

In this chat, Sam is teaching you how to be more productive as a side hustler, the hard truth about why you aren’t getting things done. How to stay inspired, motivated and so much more!

We can all create our own happiness and positivity in our lives, all we need is the right support, mind-set and beliefs to get there.

– Sam, A Happy Mind

 At the beginning of Sam’s journey, she worked a full-time job from 6 am – 6 pm whilst managing her side hustle, working after work and over the weekend. NOW she doesn’t work weekends, in fact, she only works two evenings a week and doesn’t need to hustle anymore. 

Sam has people coming to her and is fully booked with clients, has just launched a new course and YouTube channel. Not to mention has written a best selling book, so how can you replicate Sam’s success? Find out below. 

The Hard Work Does Pay Off

Building a side hustle alongside a full-time

job does take sacrifice but it’s NOT forever. If you’re experiencing overwhelm, you need to realise that the long hours and hustle won’t last forever. 

By hustling hard now you can reach the stage of life that Sam is at, where your business works for you!

How Do You Stop Feeling Overwhelmed?

Plain and simple you need to have a plan. 

Create a list of the things you know you have to do to get everything out of your head onto paper and then start with the easiest task to get the ball rolling. 

Action is the only thing that will eradicate overwhelm.

Time Management – How Do I Get Ahead Whilst Still in School/Work?

You have to use your “free time” to maximise the time in your business. You have to stop seeing your free time as free time and see it as business time. When you’d usually be watching Netflix or going out with your friends you need to be thinking about how you could be using that time to build your business. 

You will need to shift your mindset on how you view and manage your time. 

Be sure to listen to this podcast episode to get all the answers to your side hustle questions! 

Listen to our first episode:

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are you ready to start creating your dream life?


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