Work From Home Habits || Stay Productive and Organised

In today’s video, I want to walk you through my top ten habits that are particularly for those of you who work from home.

When you have bad habits when working from home it’s easy for days to fly by without getting much done. You’ll find yourself procrastinating, scrolling through Instagram and wasting time that could be spent building your business or with your loved ones.

I truly believe that our success lies in our daily habits.

Stop Checking Your Phone in the Morning

By checking your phone first thing in the morning you’re feeding into other people drama, nonsense, ideas and killing your own creativity.

You’re leaving yourself open to influence and everyone else’s nonsense rather than connecting with yourself and your own goals and ambitions.

Make it a habit to wake up in the morning and feed your soul through things like exercise, mediation or a good breakfast. Whatever it is that you love to do, do that instead of worrying about what’s going on in other peoples lives.

Have a Morning Routine

If you’re not going to check your phone every morning what are you supposed to be doing you ask? Do something that feeds your soul and sets you up for the day.

In the morning I love to journal with some scripting exercises where I write things down as if they’ve already happened. I work on any limitations or mental blocks that I might have and write out my goals.

I do some energetic work like meditation and going to the gym. So give yourself the space to be mindful, connect with your intuition and move your body in some way.

Make sure that your office space is set up for success

Whether you have an at home office to work from or just a dedicated office space or at your kitchen table, make sure it’s set up to inspire you.

To be motivated and inspired to work, ensure that you’re cleaning up your space every night. Ensure your space is clean and clutter-free so that when you walk in in the morning you’re ready to work.

Work in a clutter-free and inspiring environment will allow you to be more productive and respect your space.

Respect your space.

Have a daily planning method that works for you

Whether its a do to list, project management tool or calendar, having a planning method that works for you will stop you from feeling overwhelmed.

We all have a lot to get done each and every day and to avoid burn out it’s important to have a planning method to help you take action.

Focus on the priority tasks earlier on in the day and then you can work on your other tasks later on in the day. I use Asana for project planning, a to-do list and my calendar to stay on top of things but make sure you find what works for you!

You know the saying if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Make space for your creative energy

Whilst it’s important to work on your business, you also want to make time for your creative passions. For example, mine is YouTube, it’s a big part of my business but it’s also a creative outlet for me.

Creating time and space for your passion is going to give you the motivation you need to succeed in life, so dedicate time to the things that light you up.

Make sure that you are standing up regularly every day

Humans are not supposed to be sitting down constantly for eight hours every day. It’s terrible for your hips, joints or overall health. Make sure you’re getting up and stretching or dancing, whatever it is so that you can stay sharp and remain focused.

Plan Your Meals Ahead

Before I started planning out my meals I would waste so much time standing in front of the fridge wondering what to eat, then just snacking on junk food.

I recently started getting meals delivered but if this isn’t an option for you, try to meal prep every Sunday to set yourself up for the week.

Get Out of the house regularly

Whether it’s to go for a walk or work from a cafe, the change of scenery can really do you good. Working in the same place 24/7 can give you cabin fever so make sure you’re scheduling some time for self-care and getting out of the house.

Face to face interaction where you can be open and vulnerable with friends or family is so important as well. Having that more personal interaction rather than business interaction will allow you to have a different conversation that can spark creativity and allow you to just be yourself.

Have a regular start and finish time

For a while, I thought I had to be on and hustling every minute of every day but that’s just not healthy or plausible long term.

Now, I set myself a regular start and finish time and it’s usually 9-5. Find a time that works for you and that is a regular time every day because your body will thrive from having that ritual and routine.


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