Social Media and PR for Creative Entrepreneurs with Monica Strut

In today’s Game Changer Podcast chat I’m speaking with Monica Strut, a digital marketer and strategy consultant for up and coming bands looking to gain more exposure within the music industry.

After watching many of her peers give up on their musical dreams early in their careers, it has become Monica’s mission to inspire and educate creatives giving them the tools and skills required to succeed in today’s online climate.

Building A Fanbase

As support for live music in her hometown of Sydney dwindled and social media was on the rise, Monica realised that the way for bands to build a fanbase was no longer mainly by playing live – it was through gaining exposure online.

Shortly after the band she was in for six years disbanded, Monica knew that if she was to start a new band, she couldn’t afford to approach it in the same way as the old one.

After all, there were artists out there that had been together less than half the time of her old band, and had already hit many of the milestones she had such as touring overseas, winning support slots for big local and international acts as well as global radio play.

After taking a position as the Social Media Manager at Australia’s biggest heavy music publication, HEAVY Magazine, Monica moved to Australia’s creative hub of Melbourne. Working as a freelance digital marketer for record labels, touring companies, photographers, online fashion boutiques and other businesses within the creative industries.

Monica now shares her knowledge of how to succeed in today’s world as a creative through her blog, Facebook Group, courses and 1:1 consulting packages.

Managing Your Own Band

Monica is also a vocalist in her own heavy metal band and has paved the way for bands taking matters into their own hands and promoting and managing themselves.

Monica talks about the importance of knowing how to manage your band so that you don’t get locked into anything that’s not right for you. Make sure you’re doing you’re researching and speaking to the right people.

Find Monica Below!





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