The Rebels &


This 1:1 month-long Intensive is for the

Those who know they can build a powerhouse business and market the F*ck out of it on social media, those who have already made their money, served their people… but somehow still crave something more.

This urge is nothing to ignore. Some people are supposed to come here and just do the thing, to make the money and live the digital entrepreneur of the 21st century dream. But, this is not you.Even after all the success you have achieved, your soul is craving:
  • To be in the spotlight.
  • To make an undeniable impact
  • To be the leader of a movement.
You are currently so lit up by your business, absolutely inspired by your work. You love your students, you love your clients, and you love that you have already been able to make such a difference in people's lives. But as the years roll on and the internet continues to change, you are starting to feel like now is the time that you are supposed to do something bigger.









Your Mega


Maybe it’s finally writing that book? Oh, but then also planning a book tour and producing your own documentary about your journey to becoming an author.
Maybe it's producing a show. You love video content, and I mean if RuPaul can create an entire empire from a show, why can't you, right?

Maybe it’s building out your brand concept and starting a full-blown movement. Every philosophy needs to start somewhere, and you know you have the knowledge.

Either way, you know it’s time. It’s time to take your career to the next level. It’s time to start building the thing that catapults you into the same level of fame and success as those who inspired your career in the first place. Maybe it was Tony Robbins, Alex Cooper, or any icon in between, but either way, you're ready for your name to be placed among the greats, with the move that changes your career forever.

But The

Problem is..

  • Currently you’re stagnating, just going with the motions, doing well but not doing as well as you know you can
  • You just have no idea where to start or what your next move should be.
  • You’re tired of fitting in with everyone, you’re tired of not standing out in the way you know you deserve,
  • What you crave is what you didn't know you could be yet… this is what we are here to do… to introduce you to this next level self so you can introduce yourself to the world.

Sure, your filled with an

Inner Knowing that youre meant to

  • Impact millions of people and leave a lasting legacy on the world.
  • Be an absolute rockstar pioneer in your industry.
  • Be in demand

But, bringing your legacy-leaving project to life is one thing, knowing what it is is something else entirely…

But also, how are you supposed to find time to dream up this life changing idea, plan out how you are going to develop it, brand it, and produce it?

So even though you know you have the potential to sit alongside the icons of our era, you also are currently in the thick of running your online business, so what do you do?

You do what all stars do… you hire a team of experts. You are the star, you are the brains, you ARE the LEADER, which makes me and my team your producer/editor/consultants/pr team, etc.


 Mega Star


This 1:1 Intensive experience is designed for entrepreneurs ready for their career breakthrough moment. In our time together, we help you ideate and plan for the brand, marketing, or business project that will take your fame, income, and impact to the next level.
We spend a month together intensively dreaming up and planning your next big business move.

How it




We spend a month together intensively dreaming up and planning your next big business move. I am your second brain, your creative consultant. I will not only use my 12 years of marketing and brand experience to help you find your mega star ideas, I will use my PR back ground to strategise how you will package it for the masses. 


Client projects in the past have looked like:

  • Building a brand concept and method fit for a movement and turning this into a business product and web series.
  • Producing a podcast and documentary series about the development of a method.
  • Restructuring brand positioning to attract extremely high-level wealthy clients.
  • Planning for and producing web series.


Our month is broken down into:

  • An initial 2-hour strategy session.
  • Followed by a comprehensive project plan developed by our team in Notion.
  • Unlimited Voxer message support for your project
  • A 60-minute implementation session at the end of the month.


and beyond

Many of our clients thrive from just the clarity, support and implementations that come from the month intensive and are able to bring extraordinary results to life within the month. However, some of our clients choose to extend our work together (especially those whose projects require a lot of production and project management). They will have the opportunity to work with Chillpreneur Creative, which offers a comprehensive service to bring their project to life. Including services such as:

  • Continued creative consulting and project management.
  • High-level production (documentaries, shows).
  • Event planning.
  • PR & Marketing Services.

Here’s the thing. You have icon-level greatness inside of you. 

You have the potential to have people beating down your doors wanting to interview you, feature you, PAY YOU because of the impact you’re having… what you need, however, is someone to bring those ideas out of you, turn them into a plan, and facilitate bringing them to life… and of course, my team and I have you covered.

The Mega Star Movement is a one-of-a-kind experience. With a unique blend of business and brand consulting, creative agency and production as well as PR and Marketing, we are not just helping you create better content or make more money (even though that happens too). Mega Star Movement is the investment you make that changes your career and life forever.


Mega Star Team

Hey, I am Erin May Henry, producer, brand strategist, studio, and creative agency owner, and content creator (yup, the list is long). I started my journey in 2010, getting my degree in Public Relations and Marketing and since then have used my unique skill for out-of-the-box thinking in roles such as product development for Australia's largest wine company, event planning for celebrity-endorsed Fashion charity galas, building an online education business which to date has served over 3500 students, as well as a thriving career as a content creator.

Alongside me as part of your support team is my partner and co-owner Thygan Tobich (the man behind the camera). Thygan is a professional photographer/videographer. Thygan's creative skills have landed him jobs with Snoop Dogg, Iga Świątek, the exclusive Bali retreat Nihi, and more.


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