How To Build a Successful Brand in 2019

In this video, I’m talking about not only how to build a really successful business, but how to make an impact as well. How do you make an impact? You do it by building a reputation, having a solid mission and communicating that as best you can with your audience. All of this comes with… that’s right, building a successful personal brand.

Here’s the thing – even if you’re not an entrepreneur, it doesn’t matter.

We all have personal brands. If you are putting content, your knowledge and information out there. It’s likely that you’re building a personal brand whether you realise it or not. Even if you’re working a 9 – 5 job, it is still good to be really conscious about your reputation aka your personal brand.

Watch below for all my tips and tricks on How To Build a Successful Brand in 2019!

What Do You Want To Be Known For?

One of the first things you need to think about when trying to build upon and grow your personal brand is to ask yourself…

‘What is it that I want to be known for?’

Whether you’re trying to become an influencer or you’re trying to build your dream career. To build a reputation you have to manage what people think when they think of you and you can do this – if you are strategic about it.

Think about what you’re good at and passionate about. Ask yourself if someone were to interview me, what would they be interviewing me on? Once you have an understanding of this then you can start creating online content around your niche and what you want to be known for.

Keeping in mind that you need to ‘start before you’re ready’, as Marie Forleo always says. It doesn’t matter if you don’t fully know everything there is to know on your niche. You will always be learning but you will learn from ACTION not THOUGHT.

What is Your Mission?

The next thing you really need to think about is, what is your mission? Your bigger picture mission is really important when creating a brand because people want to know why you do what you do.

When your audience can feel your passion and integrity behind why it is that you’re building your business, they can really attach themselves to that.

How Are You Going to Reach People?

You might have your perfect niche with an amazing bigger picture mission but if you’re not reaching people, it’s pointless. How do you reach people? With an online platform, whether it’s social media, a website or a podcast – finding people online is the best way to share your personal brand in 2019.

You have to find a happy medium between your skills and where your audience is.

Learn How To Actively Repel People

My next tip is to learn how to actively repel people…

I know what you’re thinking, ‘I want everyone to love me and my personal brand’, but you know what – you need to have polarity. The more people that hate you and don’t appreciate your message, means the deeper your connection will be with the people who do get it.

You cannot change the game by sitting on the fence.

Create a Mood Board

I create a range of different mood boards to help grow and continually develop my personal brand. To find out the best way to optimise this for your personal brand be sure to watch How To Build a Successful Brand in 2019.

In the video, I also share why you need to audit your current online presence and why consistency is the key to success!


Make sure to come and join our community on Facebook and Instagram – @erinmayhenry. I would LOVE to support you!

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